Gate Access Control Systems
Gate Access Control Systems
in North Carolina
Gates are used for managing vehicles and people from coming onto your property, used to stop vehicles and trucks to identify freight and many other things. Some facilities are required to have gates to stop 18 wheeler’s to be inspected which is mandated y the Federal Trade Zone.
Gates come in different shapes and sizes depending on how much space you have, cost and purpose. One of the most popular gates we install in North Carolina is the cantilever gate. A cantilever gate is a slide gate that has a gate motor to operate. When tying your gate in with an access control system, you can fully manage your gate from anywhere including through mobile access. The gate pictured above allows for a 30′ opening and the gate is roughly 55 ft long. Gates provide an extra layer of security for commercial businesses and residential property.

We’re here to help with all of your security and networking needs!
Process for
Gate Access Control System
i-Tech Security and Network Solution offers turnkey gate and access control solutions to eliminate the need for multiple contractors to be involved. If you are a North Carolina customer looking to add or upgrade your gate system, here is the process when working with i-Tech Security and Network Solutions.

Security, safety, support, simplicity- we provide it all!
Once ready, we will mobilize and get the project started. We tell customers from start to finish you could be looking at 2-4 days of work which depends on electrical and pathways, if you are getting an access control system to manage the gate, we usually deploy the access control system and do pretesting prior to the gate being installed so once the gate is installed, we can test to ensure all is working correctly.
Some other services we offer are steel and concrete bollards to protect pedestals, gate motors and gates, gate pedestals that could be used by truckers, cars or truckers and cars. All aspects of the gate systems are easily modifiable to fit the need of every customer to ensure the safety and security.
Our Process for implementing
A new gate system or perimeter fence
Get in touch today for a quote!
Gate and Gate Motor
Safety Devices
for Gates
Gate Safety and Security is important, if your gate is not operating correctly or sensors are not working, you could cause serious injury or death to people. We take pride in doing things right the first time to ensure the safety and security of others and the ensure code compliant. We come across gates all the time that are not up to code, and do not function as intended, i-Tech will discuss everything with you to ensure you are aware of codes and requirements. Please call us today for service or installation of new gates.
i-Tech offers Ground loops, Safety Sensors, In Ground Probes, Knox Boxes and Service for most gates.