IP Cameras: Spotlight on Multi-Lens Cameras

Remember that as you were growing up you were convinced that your parents had eyes in the back of their heads? It seemed like you couldn’t get away with anything. Even with their back turned toward you, they somehow knew when you were misbehaving. As a business owner, you might wish you had that same gift so that you could see everything going on within your company’s walls and around the exterior, as well. The good news is that with IP cameras, you can capture what is going on anywhere and then search it at your leisure or with video analytics to resolve issues quickly.

The good news is that with IP cameras

There are many different types of IP cameras that you can use with camera systems, including fixed IP cameras, pan tilt and zoom (PTX) cameras, fisheye cameras, license plate cameras, thermal cameras, cover cameras, and the one this article will focus on: multi-lens cameras. The benefit of multi-lens IP cameras is that one camera can capture many different directions without the need for multiple cameras. That means just one housing to put into place, which is helpful if you do not want to mar the aesthetics of a building with multiple IP cameras. It also saves you money as you do not need additional Cat6 cable and only one camera license is needed.

At i-Tech Security and Network Solutions, we can help you determine which IP cameras are best for your situation, as well as which of the multi-lens cameras would give you the coverage you desire. We have them in 180 degree, 270 degree, and 360 degree views and in a variety of megapixels. Contact us today to learn more.

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